To manage a quickly loading website, you need to have a plain and well structured backend code. Within the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a collection of instruments that will help you increase your website’s overall performance without needing to modify anything inside the back–end code. The Web Site Accelerator Programs – Varnish, Node.js, and Memcached won’t only assist you to offer speedier streaming rates to your website visitors and consequently decrease site exit percentage, but may also drive your site higher in the search engine ranking positions.

To implement the Web Site Accelerator Programs, only sign into your Web Hosting Control Panel and create an instance for the one you need.


RAM–storing as an alternative to database queries

Assuming you have a data base–dependent website or web application, and if data base queries often slow up the performance, this could be really annoying to the web–site visitors as well as the web app users. Finding a solution can typically demand a lot of time. However, in the VPS Dealer Web Hosting Control Panel, there’s a simple solution for you.

Memcached is an easy, yet powerful distributed memory object caching platform, that collects data and objects within the RAM. In this way, the database–saved information on your web site will not need to be querried each time a visitor loads the exact web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching instead of HTTP queries

If you have content–heavy busy websites with loads of pictures and also online videos, you’ll definitely need to make sure that your pages run really fast for your site visitors. An ideal tool you have available is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that will help you hasten your websites without requesting you to have any specific technical knowledge.

Varnish stores all demands to the web server inside the server memory and provides the pages promptly to the website visitor by preventing brand–new calls for the server. In this way, the web pages on your site are going to be opened 300 – 1000x times faster to your site visitors. You can also select if the inbound queries will be managed by Varnish, or by the web server, and so on.

Hepsia File Manager


A great way to construct scalable apps

If you would like come up with an app, make sure you have the tools you may need accessible to you immediately, without the need to browse, compile and install them. VPS Dealer’s Web Hosting Control Panel could save you both the energy and time, by offering you the equipment you will want right where you need it.

The Node.js software allows designers, no matter whether they’re experts or not, to build up adaptable network programs and websites. It’s using the Google V8 JavaScript engine as well as the libUV. Node.js uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and effective, perfect for data–intensive real–time web apps operating on distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager