Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • If you have a Linux dedicated web hosting, 24x7x365 monitoring is vital. You have to know if the various processes are working correctly and if there’s any problem with any of them. Still, it’s a really hard and time–devouring process. Having this in mind, we suggest that we carry out this job on your behalf. Our Admin Services package offers an exceptional monitoring system, which will keep constant track of each of the processes running on your Linux dedicated web hosting to find out if everything is okay. If there’s ever any problem, it will momentarily inform our system administrators.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • Keeping a backup of your web site is tough if you have to do it yourself. You will have to find a place for your backups – if possible on another machine; you will have to make backups; you will have to test if everything is working. We offer a simple answer. Our Admin Services package grants you 50 gigabytes of disk space on one of our secure backup servers. And we will help you with the backups. And since all the servers are part of the same network, the backups will be made as quickly as possible.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • It can be very frustrating if you want to install a web application or a service on your Linux dedicated web hosting, but you just keep chancing upon problems. This is when our Admin Services solution can help save your day – it includes installation and troubleshooting procedures. What this means is that one of our highly proficient senior sysadmins will be working half an hour only on the issues that you have specified. You can request him to run an app or a service, or to rectify an issue that you keep detecting. Or to update your server Operating System.

Avalable with all our Linux Dedicated Web Hosting