PhpPgAdmin is one of the most popular tools for controlling PostgreSQL databases. It is easy-to-use, at the same time powerful and you will be able to do any action you'd like - export, import or edit each cell, row or table in a database; grant, revoke or modify the permissions for a given user; execute SQL queries and many other things. If you need to have a backup of a PostgreSQL-driven site, for instance, or move it to a different hosting supplier, you can export the entire database in a format of your choice - SQL, CSV, XML, XHTML and many others. Using phpPgAdmin, you will have full control over your databases and everything linked to them. The instrument was originally intended as the PostgreSQL equivalent of phpMyAdmin, however nowadays they have little in common when it comes to the user interface.
phpPgAdmin in Shared Hosting
PhpPgAdmin is one of the tools you will be able to access from the Hepsia Control Panel which is included in every single shared hosting we provide. When you set up a new PostgreSQL database in the Databases area of your account, a phpPgAdmin icon shows up next to it, and you could just click on it and you'll be logged into the app directly. You won't have to submit any type of login credentials if you log in through the Control Panel, yet in case you have to provide access to a specific database to another person, they are able to use a direct phpPgAdmin login link where they can submit the username and the password which you give them and work on the database without being able to access another content in your hosting account. This option comes in handy if you employ a web designer to create or improve your website.