Perl is an effective programming language which is commonly used for setting up CGI scripts and also a variety of web-based apps. One of its key pros is the fact that it supports modules - ready-made batches of code that are employed to do numerous tasks and to enhance the functionality of a certain script without slowing it with unneeded lines of code. To put it simply, when five processess should be performed, you are able to use five lines of code in order to call each one of the modules rather than including a large number of lines used to create the actual modules in your script. Perl is very useful and it can be used for various purposes, that's why a lot of companies have implemented it in their web products or on their high-traffic sites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and a lot more. It is often used with other languages such as PHP or Python.
Perl Scripting in Shared Hosting
Perl is available with all the shared hosting that we supply and you are able to execute any .pl file which you upload inside your account using the File Manager of the Control Panel or some FTP program. The latter will allow you to build a site with all of the functions that you'd like your visitors to have, but PHP cannot provide. You'll be able to execute a script either manually or automatically through a cron job. Our plans feature a large number of Perl modules which you are able to use and you'll see the whole list in your web hosting account as well as the path which you need to include in your scripts, to be able to access these modules. In case you want to execute a Perl/CGI script using a cron job yet your plan doesn't offer this feature, you can add as many cron jobs as you require through the Add Upgrades/Services link on the left-hand side of your website hosting Control Panel.