The monthly traffic characteristic, which is at times also referred to as bandwidth or information transfer, identifies the overall volume of information that can be uploaded to your shared hosting account and downloaded from it each month. Your site traffic is produced mostly by web site visits - whenever somebody goes to your web site, the pages they view are downloaded from the hosting server to his or her computer or mobile device and they're shown by the internet browser. What counts for the website traffic produced is the overall size of these web pages, therefore the more site visitors you get for some period of time, the more web site traffic will be generated. In addition to the web site visits, file uploads are also counted towards the total monthly transfer which means that if you upload site content as well as other files through a file manager or an FTP software, they'll also generate some site traffic. The counter resets on the first day of every month and it's not related to the date you've signed up or the date you've renewed your website hosting package.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting were designed with the idea to handle the website traffic made by any web site that can exist in such an account. In case you currently have one or a number of small-scale or medium-sized websites, you will not be limited by the monthly website traffic allowance regardless of what content you have - plain text or lots of images, for instance. The stats in your hosting Control Panel provides you with comprehensive data about the website traffic produced by every single website as well as the amount for the account in general. The amounts are updated in real time and display both the day-to-day and the monthly usage, so you will know how much info is transferred to and from your website hosting account at any time. The first day of every month your counter is reset, but you will still be able to see the site traffic statistics for the previous months, that will give you an idea how your web sites perform.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Hosting
The monthly site traffic allowance for our Linux VPS hosting services is proportional to all of the other server’s system resources. When you obtain a more powerful server, it's likely that you will host a very popular website or even multiple sites, consequently there will be more site visitors. Because of this, the higher package you obtain, the larger monthly traffic quota you will have. We will contact you when you get to 90% of the amount, so you will have sufficient time to take some action and either improve the package or optimize your sites and reduce the website traffic that they generate until the counter resets the next month. If you choose to update, you can do so from the billing Control Panel and with no more than a few mouse-clicks. You will also be able to monitor how much traffic your server has already made and what amount is left before you get to the monthly restriction. This info will be accessible in the VPS administration panel where you'll also be able to restart your server and view the usage of all the other system resources such as disk storage, CPU load and physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting
Considering how powerful our Linux dedicated web hosting are, the data transfer that you'll receive every single month will be sufficient for any type of site whatever the number of its visitors, even if you supply image or file hosting. You'll receive a quota of terabytes of site traffic every month and because you will not share the server with anyone else, that quota will be supplied only for your web sites and web applications. We will notify you if you get to 90% of your allowance therefore you can react and either optimize your websites to lower the traffic they make, or extend the limit. It is extremely unlikely that you'll ever need more than what we'll give you, yet we won't restrict the development of your sites, that's why we leave the possibility to add more website traffic open. The dedicated server packages come with a management panel where you'll be able to see how much site traffic has been generated so far for the present month and what amount is left until you reach the limit. Due to the fact that these figures contain software setups as well as all updates, they are more precise as compared to any hosting Control Panel stats that include only the site traffic made by web sites.