The service uptime for every single shared hosting account is of considerable importance. If you’re using a server which has frequent issues and your website is not available for long periods of time, it is more likely that site visitors shall not come back. Provided you have an online store, for instance, it will mean lost prospective customers smaller financial gain. Your websites could even get penalized by search engines with lower rankings regardless of how good their content is. To protect yourself from this sort of scenario, it is best to always ensure that the hosting service you receive is stable. In this way, the success of your site will depend solely on its content and your advertising and marketing campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related variables that you've got no control over.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting
Using a shared hosting account through our company, you can enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We have virtually wiped out the downtime due to the fact that we use an advanced cloud hosting platform and we do not manage everything on a single web server like the vast majority of companies do. As an alternative, we run each and every service on a separate cluster of servers, so your files, emails, databases, and so on, will be handled by independent web servers. Thus, we are able to also balance the load considerably more efficiently and guarantee the stable functioning of your web sites at all times. The accessibility of the web servers is ensured by a couple of backbone Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators, so your internet sites are going to be operational no matter what. We also have administrators checking the servers 24 / 7, which includes weekends and holidays, and they'll take care of any unforeseen problem that might appear.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Hosting
Using a virtual private server from our company, you will never have to worry about the uptime or accessibility of your account. Our top-notch data center facilities have redundant power supplies, diesel generators and a number of independent Internet providers as a way to ensure that the servers are available in case there is any infrastructural failure. In addition, we make certain that the physical server where your virtual one will be set up is going to be functioning at the very least 99.9% of the time and a group of competent professionals that keep track of all the web servers 24/7/365 will ensure that we keep our promise. All servers employ brand-new, carefully tested parts in order to avoid hardware difficulties and the hard disks work in RAID. We have hardware and software firewalls in order to avoid DoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting
All of our dedicated solutions include a 99.9% server and network uptime guarantee and maintenance procedures are included in the other .01% of the time. We test out every single server carefully before we hand it over to the customer and we use new hardware components to prevent any probability of hardware problems. Any unforeseen software problems will be resolved promptly by our system administrators as they keep an eye on all website hosting servers 24/7. In order to avoid infrastructural complications, our data center in the downtown area of Chicago uses powerful diesel backup generators, while the online connectivity to the servers is ensured by redundant fiber lines from several backbone Internet providers. To be on the safe side, we have software and hardware firewalls, so even if your web sites are flooded, we can take action quickly and filter the excess traffic before it reaches your dedicated server and interferes with the proper operation of your sites.