Each time you upload information on a web hosting server, it takes a certain amount of storage space on the hdd dependent on its overall size. In the event that you have a script-driven website which keeps its info in a database, it will need more disk space, the more people make use of it. To give an example, in the event that you have a discussion forum, the greater number of responses people share, the greater the database gets. Email messages, in particular ones which have attachments, also need some disk space in the web hosting account. The hard disk space quota you get with each shared hosting supplier is the total amount of data you may have at any moment, and it features website files, messages and databases. Likewise, a PC has a hard disk drive and the programs installed on it plus all documents or music files that you create or download require storage, which can't exceed the total capacity of your hard disk.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting plans were designed with the notion that lack of disk space shouldn't be a thing that should reduce the growth of your sites. For this reason we've taken a technique which is distinct from the one that most web hosting companies use - instead of just making all of the accounts on one server and eventually running out of disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage space is taken care of by a wide collection of servers. As a result, we're able to attach more machines in case they are required or more hard disks, to be able to provide more disk space for all the files of our valued customers. Separate clusters take care of the e-mail messages as well as your databases, therefore not only are you able to increase the size of your web sites without having to worry about storage space, but also the servers will operate better and faster as each and every service features its own storage space and a single server does not handle various types of files.
Disk Space in VPS Hosting
Our Linux VPS hosting services feature a great amount of hard disk space in order to meet all of your needs and not limit the growth of your web sites. Certainly, if you'd like to operate a single resource-consuming site or numerous smaller-sized websites, you'll require more power as a whole, so that the higher the VPS plan, the more hdd storage you will get. Moving between the different packages is very simple and the additional storage space will be included in your account without migrating any data or stopping/restarting your server, so when you hit the space restriction of your present package, you are able to upgrade with a couple of clicks from your billing panel. Since we provide you with several web hosting Control Panels with our virtual private servers, you'll have two options for the disk space management - using Hepsia, all the websites share the overall server space, while when you use DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll be able to make distinct accounts for the domain names and create an allocation for every account.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
With the hdd space that we provide with all our Linux dedicated web hosting, we warrant that you can operate every web site irrespective of its overall size. You will get at least 500 GB storage, which you can use as you see fit - even for private file depository. As standard, you will have two hard drives, that can be employed independently, so as to make use of their full storage capacity, or they can be connected in RAID so that one will be a copy the other one in real time to warrant that you will not miss crucial data in case of a hardware failure. You're also given the option to add additional HDDs and upgrade the whole disk storage you can use even further. This allows you to build a file or image storage portal without any problems if you would like. When using the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we offer, you can make a separate account for every single domain name that you host on your server and pre-set a quota for the disk space it'll be allowed to use. When you pick the 3rd choice, our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, all your domains will be operated in a single and they'll share the entire server hard disk storage space.